The practicality of coffee in capsules is undeniable, but its environmental impact and the enormous increase in social costs that this brings are equally undeniable.
However, there are many alternative solutions, with or without super-automatic coffee machines, allowing you to make espresso coffee at home, using your skills to bring out its best qualities and save money at the same time.
We have therefore chosen to use our experience to develop a special selection of coffee beans, both blends and Single Origin, ideal for the home bar.

Home Bar
Blends or Single Origin?
Espresso Casa grani!
Caffè River has created an ideal coffee blend for home espresso machines, with which you’ll see and feel the difference. You don’t need to be a professional barista to get a perfect espresso if you rely on coffee experts.
Your espresso coffee will have an edge and everyone will notice it, asking you for the secret of such a delicious coffee.
Everyone will want to know the secret of such a barista skill: the high quality of the whole, roasted, and specially selected coffee beans!