Arabica Organic 100% Jamao coffee bag - Caffè River
La nostra produzione sarà chiusa dal 26 luglio al 23 agosto compresi. Non sarà dunque possibile effettuare ordini in questo periodo. Buone ferie!

Our production will be be closed from July 26th to August 23rd. It will not be therefore possible to place orders during this period. Happy holidays!

Jamao 100% Arabica Organic coffee

 4,60 IVA inclusa

Jamao Coffee.

250 g package of vacuum-packed ground coffee for Moka pots.


The name Jamao, named after a river in the area, came about to identify the result of a collaboration between Oxfam Italia and Caffè River in a project that helped many small farmers in the Dominican Republic. Through this Oxfam Italia project, farmers were organized, trained and gathered into a consortium. Today, Jamao continues to offer high-quality coffee, Fairtrade and Organic certified, preferably sourced from Oxfam Italia projects.

Additional information

Net weight

250 g


Plastic container, unless otherwise specified by your municipality.