Farmers of the Rwenzori Mountains - Caffè River


Il Bukonzo Progressive Farmers Group is located in Muhindi village, Muhindi parish, Nyakiyumbu sub county (Lat. 0.049795, Lon. 29.8149 Alt. 1577).

The Association has a total of 515 members, of which 42% are women and 58% are men. This is one of the member farmers’ groups of NUCAFE which was created with the aim of reducing ignorance, and poverty and promoting the sustainability of household income of individuals. This association has helped farmers to go from selling coffee as red cherries, from exchanging coffee for household items (Barter Trade) to marketing their coffee as a finished product and exporting it, through the extension of sustainable financing, marketing, and production of the coffee itself to its members.
According to Ithungu Teddy the company director, the main focus is on the production of high-quality coffee (BPFG), for the specialty markets. This is evidenced by the exceptional coffee produced in 2018 of which over 5.5 tons were exported and sold to Caffè River in Italy through the Omukwano partnership with NUCAFE. This coffee also obtained a cupping score of 83.5%.
In the committee meeting, which was held at the start of the 2019-2020 coffee season, priority was given to replacing the bridge along Bukangara stream (Olhusi Bukangara) which was washed away by rain earlier in the season. This bridge now serves the communities of Kabingo, Kathanda, Muhindi, Kyabayora and Kighuthu in Nyakiyumbu and Munkunyu counties.


This was greatly appreciated by local leaders and community members who offered to participate in the replacement of the bridge, providing labor and collecting other materials such as stones from tributaries of the Mubuku River.


This improved the transportation of agricultural products from gardens in the higher parts of the region to commercial centers in the lowlands.


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