Hope for the small coffee farmer - Caffè River

kagangoAt my age, I am glad I made the decision to join the Kagango coffee farmers who are part of NUCAFE. The association helps us greatly to sustain the productivity of our crops. In the past, we faced many difficulties, such as low soil fertility, resulting in a reduction in the quantities of coffee destined for export. Thanks to NUCAFE we have had access to soil fertilizers that have helped a lot our community’s coffee production. 

The support then came from Caffè River which helped the coffee production of the Sheema community and especially me, Bishweko, and my family, as I was able to expand the land I cultivate and therefore obtain more income for my livelihood.

As an association, we are also trying to increase coffee consumption in Uganda and particularly in the western region by packaging coffee in small packages that farmers themselves are consuming.

There is still a lot to do, but we believe, with NUCAFE and Caffè River, that there is hope for the small coffee farmer.



